
Seminar Kinetic Network Theory

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Seminar Kinetic Network Theory


Kinetic Network Theory is a relentless approach to mastering coaching as a craft. It is the way of the Movement Specialist. The way of the Movement Specialist is lived by constantly working to improve the results and experience of your athletes of what movement is. It is about eagerly jumping into the domains of nutrition, biomechanics, biochemistry, anatomy, psychology and much more to expand your knowledge and skills. It is the pathway to becoming a great coach.

The seminar is rare in its kind by going into seeing & correcting of movement on an elite level. You will get a unique chance to learn about how kinetic chains work. Answers to how the kinetic chain affects the whole structure of the kinetic network. During the seminar you will be learning how to correct movements by technical cues or by exercises. You will be immersed in a unique culture of continuous and exponential growth. You can expect to be in a safe environment where vulnerability and honesty is encouraged. We stand by this environment to provide you with coaching and aid in your growth to overcome your obstacles and make your strengths reach new heights.

In short the Kinetic Network Theory Seminar is a 2-day course that focuses on the unique coaching abilities that drive athletic results: technical corrections and technical communication. You will be leaving the seminar with a progressive evaluation of where your strengths and weaknesses lay so you can walk further on your path to becoming a movement specialist.



WHEN: 27th & 28th of November 2021
WHERE: CrossFit Climbers Cabin
Terheijdenseweg 498, 4826 AB Breda
TIME: 09.00 –  16.00
PRICE: 500,- euro


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